Friday, April 5, 2013


Don’t go against the flow.  Instead, break where the river breaks and takes you were you wanna go. If you miss the river banks you think you’ve missed, thank the ocean of opportunity ahead.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


It seems there may be no real responsibility besides that of exemplifying love.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Who should smile first?

I like to think of the world and everything in it as a reflection; or in other words, you get what you put in, or what you see in your brother is within you...  This morning I started just as normal as any other beautiful day- I got up, did a bit of meditation and prayer, reviewed my intentions from the night before, brushed my teeth, took a shower, put my gym clothes on, and was about ready to get going.  Something seemed off however. 

I had been effected by something I read the previous day, what it was is not important, but what happened next is.  I took a look in the mirror and wondered why I wasn't seeing a smile and happiness today?  I expected my mirror to show me a smile!  Come on! what's going on this morning and why am I not in an awesome mood?  I then realized that I was waiting for my reflection to smile at me first. This was followed by an immediate correction in thought when I realized it must in me first before I can witness it in my reflection.  I mean, how odd of me to think that reflection was the leader here.  My reflection should actually be following me!  So I smiled inside and found the smile and levity I was missing reflected back to me in my reflection.

Needless to say I had a great day filled with smiles from friends and people I've never talked to.  So whatever it is that you want in life must come from within first and then it will be reflected back to you.  You should smile first! =]

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

In the Zone

Prosperity in Latin means "to be in the flow."  So what does it mean to be in the flow?  This is when we are "in the zone" and everything is working out for us.  This is when we are thinking right, talking right and living right.  When we are in the flow things right things happen to us right now!  

On the flip side, when we are negatively thinking we can not be in the flow at all, rather we are stuck.  Stuck in the past, stuck in hate, stuck in whatever it is that takes you out of the flow and out of prosperity.

So remember you have the choice to be stuck or be prosperous.
