Friday, April 5, 2013


Don’t go against the flow.  Instead, break where the river breaks and takes you were you wanna go. If you miss the river banks you think you’ve missed, thank the ocean of opportunity ahead.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


It seems there may be no real responsibility besides that of exemplifying love.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Who should smile first?

I like to think of the world and everything in it as a reflection; or in other words, you get what you put in, or what you see in your brother is within you...  This morning I started just as normal as any other beautiful day- I got up, did a bit of meditation and prayer, reviewed my intentions from the night before, brushed my teeth, took a shower, put my gym clothes on, and was about ready to get going.  Something seemed off however. 

I had been effected by something I read the previous day, what it was is not important, but what happened next is.  I took a look in the mirror and wondered why I wasn't seeing a smile and happiness today?  I expected my mirror to show me a smile!  Come on! what's going on this morning and why am I not in an awesome mood?  I then realized that I was waiting for my reflection to smile at me first. This was followed by an immediate correction in thought when I realized it must in me first before I can witness it in my reflection.  I mean, how odd of me to think that reflection was the leader here.  My reflection should actually be following me!  So I smiled inside and found the smile and levity I was missing reflected back to me in my reflection.

Needless to say I had a great day filled with smiles from friends and people I've never talked to.  So whatever it is that you want in life must come from within first and then it will be reflected back to you.  You should smile first! =]

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

In the Zone

Prosperity in Latin means "to be in the flow."  So what does it mean to be in the flow?  This is when we are "in the zone" and everything is working out for us.  This is when we are thinking right, talking right and living right.  When we are in the flow things right things happen to us right now!  

On the flip side, when we are negatively thinking we can not be in the flow at all, rather we are stuck.  Stuck in the past, stuck in hate, stuck in whatever it is that takes you out of the flow and out of prosperity.

So remember you have the choice to be stuck or be prosperous.


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Idiom Illumination

You may already know that the words you attach to your everyday experiences have a direct and profound effect on how your body reacts to it and how it is perceived overall.  "I hate this!!" versus "maybe I can learn something out of this" and "they are sons of bitches" versus "I know they will get it sooner than later" and "I can do this" versus "there is no freakin' way", all can very much attribute to the outcome of each situation.  The kicker is the fact that you may not even really believe it.  Obviously the more you do believe the better the result but the simple task of making the choice to choose your words wisely can choose a better experience.

Filtering the words that come out of your mouth can help turn what seems to be a horrible or hopeless situation into a bearable or great one.  Now instead of saying "that's easier said then done", try saying, "yeah, I can do that and it will get easier as I go along."  Then watch more faith, love and happiness come into your life.  Let your words illuminate your experiences today.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Defending Our Unhappiness

Have you ever run into someone whom you've shared the thought "don't worry", or "have faith", or "it'll be alright"?  And in return you receive a blistering look of anger for your inconceivable idea that the world is not crumbling.  How dare you think that everything will work out or that being happy is a possibility in the perception of their discontent.  My question to you now is why do you think this is so?  Why do we defend our unhappiness so vigorously?  Why do we sometimes choose, with all of our heart, to cling so dearly to what is making us so unhappy? Why do we identify with it and how do we seem to find some sort of comfort from it?

If all of us that say we believe in God but then cling so dearly to the opposite of faith and joy, and love, is it obvious then that something very opposite is drawing our attention and inspiration?  I choose Love, Joy and Faith in my life instead of the opposite every chance I get.  Can it really be that simple? Yep.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Thought of the Day - Oct 21, 2012 - Attack!

Recently I made one of the dumbest mistakes on the road that you can believe!  I had stopped at a traffic light, while it was green.  For whatever reason I needed to find my phone that fell and had perceived the light as red (i guess) so that I would have the opportunity to find my phone.  In retrospect I recall that the light was green but I was not paying attention, I was only paying attention that it was a light and a place to stop.  This immediately stopped traffic that morning while everyone was hurried into work, making the 30 seconds or so seem like a lifetime to those behind me.  I was waiting for the inevitable dirty look and speed passes as soon as I had gotten my head from under the passenger seat and back on the road.  Oddly, those that I had slowed down that morning had any gestures or looks to give.  They all went about their business. "Wow," I thought.  Is this world becoming tolerant of dork drivers during morning rush hour? =]

For the past 4-5 years I've made it a point not to get angry at anyone for their driving mistakes because I know that even as good a track record that I may have, someday I may make a mistake.  The mistake I see in others' driving is simply "that day" for them.  I choose not to attack every time.   

If you could understand that by making an attack on someone, you forget love, and by forgetting love you make him a stranger.  By making someone a stranger you separate yourself from him and then do not truly know what love is, nor know yourself.  To know thyself is to know that we are all intimately related and bound inseparable.  Thus, to make an attack on someone is to make an attack on yourself.

Anyway, there seems to be some sort of karma working here as well.  I felt pretty good that morning after I was not attacked for my mistake.