Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fifth Essene Mirror

One really interesting idea that has captured my attention lately is the Fifth Mirror out of the Seven Mirrors in the ancient Essene culture.  It says that your consciousness reflects back to you Father/Mother.  It often reflects the same relationship we have with our Godly Mother and Father.  Mother being the earth and Father in Heaven.

Take that idea and think- would it be possible that I chose or I gravitated towards my Mother based on the resemblance to that of a preferred mother figure in my consciousness before I was born?

Did I play any role in choosing whom I was born to?  Does my earthly father resemble that of my heavenly father?  If so, this is a tool that can be used to learn, release and heal to grow further. 

Will we continue to be reborn in the same situations in life until we learn, let go, forgive, love and heal?

So now to come back to less abstract ideas and directly to a specific question that was asked of me- I think we might have chosen our childhood as best as we could in a shared consciousness environment.  And then we continue to build that environment into our adulthood until we learn from it and grow into something more positive.  The alternate to growth is to die knowing nothing else but the current level of consciousness in your life and try again relive it again in the next life. …so one may continue to build similar environments because they know somewhere deep inside that overcoming that consciousness is the next level of growth before moving on to the next.

For those that believe faith is somehow related to guiltful sin and suffering, instead maybe faith is knowing there is happiness out there and no matter how much your ego wants death and separation from God to protect itself, faith and love can unfold your inner self that is full of God.

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