Sunday, October 21, 2012

Thought of the Day - Oct 21, 2012 - Attack!

Recently I made one of the dumbest mistakes on the road that you can believe!  I had stopped at a traffic light, while it was green.  For whatever reason I needed to find my phone that fell and had perceived the light as red (i guess) so that I would have the opportunity to find my phone.  In retrospect I recall that the light was green but I was not paying attention, I was only paying attention that it was a light and a place to stop.  This immediately stopped traffic that morning while everyone was hurried into work, making the 30 seconds or so seem like a lifetime to those behind me.  I was waiting for the inevitable dirty look and speed passes as soon as I had gotten my head from under the passenger seat and back on the road.  Oddly, those that I had slowed down that morning had any gestures or looks to give.  They all went about their business. "Wow," I thought.  Is this world becoming tolerant of dork drivers during morning rush hour? =]

For the past 4-5 years I've made it a point not to get angry at anyone for their driving mistakes because I know that even as good a track record that I may have, someday I may make a mistake.  The mistake I see in others' driving is simply "that day" for them.  I choose not to attack every time.   

If you could understand that by making an attack on someone, you forget love, and by forgetting love you make him a stranger.  By making someone a stranger you separate yourself from him and then do not truly know what love is, nor know yourself.  To know thyself is to know that we are all intimately related and bound inseparable.  Thus, to make an attack on someone is to make an attack on yourself.

Anyway, there seems to be some sort of karma working here as well.  I felt pretty good that morning after I was not attacked for my mistake.

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