Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I Did Whaaaat??

For some time now I've been keeping my thoughts to myself when it comes to God and life and the meaning of it all.  Its been quite fun as a matter of fact and I feel I've been awakened.  Now let me say here that I've never been and never thought I would say that about myself.  I was very "asleep"; I was a guy that was out every single night and let's just say I was the kinda guy a girl would not want to bring home to their mother.  "Those people" that talked about God all the time were weirdos to me and I felt they just gave up power in themselves to be lazy and dumb.  My views have changed a bit even though there are still lazy and dumb people out there lol-  but I still love them =].  Everyone is on their own path and that just happens to be there's at this time.

This new thinking really started when I was fed up with creating heartache in my life.  I'll divulge more later but fast forward 3 years or so and I changed myself and then met my wife.  She is not the type of woman that would have accepted me then but readily accepted me now.  I noticed what good came into my life by changing myself, and that the vision of being happily married came true for me even though it was so far removed from the actual situation that was unfolding in front of my eyes, what with boos and parties flowing readily.  I remember I asked for help (part of me really didn't want me to ask for help)  but I was tired of being heartbroken and down.  My prayers were answered!

Now that I was married I needed I started in on family-mode and the house was first on our minds.  I was kind of a surprise to me because it was she that brought it up and I hadn't really thought about it until that point.  I had always been carefree and didn't really care much about money.  I felt that when I needed it, it would be there.  The fact is that I was right- the only problem was that I never needed very much so there was an impossibility once again in front of me.  I asked for help again from God and 9 months later my wife and I owned a beautiful two-story house with a view of the mountains that is really something.  I was given a raise at just the right time that allowed this to happen and everything really just fell into place.  We couldn't be more happy.

I'll say now that being a home owner with previous negative credit marks and everything else that said it wasn't possible, is pretty amazing again.  I started to really bring forward the power of God, visualization and right thinking to examine how these things were possible.  I had this thought every morning that said "I did whaaaat???"  After realizing the amazing changes that occurred I had this insatiable urge to study books like "Think and grow rich" and the "Tao Te Ching" and "The Master Key."  I feel I have made large strides towards further growth and I want to share it with others to get there opinions and guidance from those that have experienced more.

For my first blogs, I believe I'll start where I am at this moment- starting the book "The Course of Miracles."  It's a book that was said to be channeled by a women who said the author was Jesus of Nazareth.  At this point I've dropped all per-conceived notions and realized no matter what it is there would be something to learn from it.  I have to say that so far I'm pleasantly surprised and I look forward to hashing out my thoughts here on a daily basis.  Please feel free to jump and and comment on anything.  dac

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